Hi Everyone, Thanks for dropping by my web page. If you could take a minute to vote for me I would greatly appreciate it. I have the opportunity to receive some airplay at Country 103 in Kamloops,BC, but really need your help to make this happen. I'm just a little behind and every vote helps.
Follow the link below to vote for me. Please vote before Friday August 1st. Go to emerging artist showdown, and you will find the button at the bottom of the screen. http://www.country103.ca/Contests/3882526 Thanking you in advance! Barb
Read more... July has been a crazy but amazing month. I started it out by filming a 30 min special for Cogeco TV in Peterborough on Sunday July 6th, then hit the road for my first radio tour from July 9-11th which included stops in Owen Sound, Tillsonburg, London, Oshawa and Belleville, Ontario. This was truly an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again! Then last week I had an article in my local paper written about me and my upcoming gig on July 24th. This has already seemed to help my music find more listeners and supporters locally, so this is a real blessing. You can read it here. http://www.durhamregion.com/whatson-story/4632979-new-music-from-brooklin-s-barbara-lynn-doran/ Tonight,...